Thursday, May 21, 2009

There's only one true barometer of the economy: bartenders

There's no need to complicate things. None whatsoever.

Everytime I hear these weird statistical figures touted or rehearsed in order to validate a prognostication, it makes me cringe. I cringe as if I was getting a neck massage from a full-grown silverback gorilla.

You see... there is no reason to crunch numbers or delve into statistical references that will do nothing other than confuse the masses as well as yourself. There is only one Ricky Hatton and there is only one true barometer to measure the state of the economy.

For those of you that don't know... I present to you the most important, mind-boggling, simplified piece of information that you won't learn in MBA school or any other nonsensical outlet of "education".

Are you ready?


Bartenders are the truest measure of how the economy is doing both in good times, bad times, and sideways times.

At the height of the housing market and upswing within the "economy", bartenders were experiencing an influx of money that they might never experience again in this lifetime. I personally know of numerous tavern tyrants who were making greenbacks hand-over-fist several years back. I'm referring to averaging anywhere between $60 and $100 an hour... IN CASH, at their places of employment.

Things have changed recently.

While many like to tout that during recession/depression periods the alcohol industry continues to chug along with no substantial drawbacks from the surrounding turmoil... nothing could be further from the truth.

You see... bartenders are the true barometer as to the health of the economy and where we stand in terms of financial well-being.

Here's what one long-time barkeep had to say... "Things are so slow right now it's crazy! I remember when we could work a shift and walk out the door with a minimum of $300 a night. This past weekend I made the lowest amount I've ever experienced with only $110. We've consistently been making about half of what we used to make and some nights are even worse."

Another chimed in... "People are still going out but alot of them are just doing it for social reasons. They'll come in and nurse one or two beers for the whole night while going outside to their car trunks for hard liquor. I guess it's the economy that has people more cost conscious as to how much they spend on booze and getting their moneys worth."

Nobody is immune from the downturn we're experiencing... nobody.

Forget about GDP, NAIRU, or RBL... just ask your local bartender how they've been making out on a consistent basis recently. That will give you the true measure of whether we are poised for a turn around in the near future.

Once they start experiencing a sustained level of cash income, then and only then will this country be ready to climb out of the dumpster. Until then... we will continue the downward plunge into this abyss of debt, piss, and vinegar.

PS. The real reason that bartenders are the real barometers for the health of the economy is simply because much if not most of their wages comes in the form of tips. Tips are considered "extra". There's nothing illegal about not leaving a "tip" although there should be. In the housing heyday consumers were quite generous when it came to compensating their pourers of joy. This expendable "extra" money is no longer available and therefore "tips" have come down to their true amounts.

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