Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Need For Toxic Mold Legislation

By John McBride

My purpose is to put in place laws that for far too long have been needed in order to protect many individuals from the hazards of indoor mold.

Children are suffering and many are ending up permanently injured or in some cases there have been fatalities. I have research, which depicts actual autopsy reports on young children. Lives are also ruined because several mold victims end up with a Hypersensitivity to chemicals or also known as Toxin Induced Low Tolerance (TILT) or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), which are essentially related and the end result is the same. This is caused by the immune system becoming so damaged due to the toxins that several chemicals make these poor victims ill. This causes many to fall ill wherever they go. Whether to a store, library, or doctor’s offices, these victims get ill. I can tell you first hand how true this is. This causes children to have even more problems with school and the ability to learn and even play.

Molds are somewhat like ice bergs. Much of what you cannot see can be very dangerous. It can thrive behind walls and in HVAC systems, emitting spores that are full of toxins throughout the entire structure. This is why I feel that air testing is so important to be included in the legislation.

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